Meditation and ENERGY Healer's Night
Meditation Tuesday’s at 7PMThese meditations are guided meditations and are ongoing classes. No prerequisites and no experience necessary, join in when the timing is right for you.
Most importantly please note that these evenings are designed with awakening you to a higher form of consciousness. Giving you a time to connect to yourself and prepare to become a “better you.” |
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HEALER'S NIGHT AT 6:45PMHealer’s Night is on the 3rd Thursday of every month beginning at 6:45PM.
Our sessions begin with a mediation at 6:45 PM. Following that individual energy healing sessions begin for the people interested. All healer's are encouraged to participate for a donation of $5. If you a receiver of the sessions, they are $10 each. *Please note these evenings are about spiritual healing, they are meant to be an adjunct to your medical services not replace them. |
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